about us

Welcome to the project where childhood nostalgia intertwines with crypto space, thanks to ViceDoggos! Our project is live on both Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Network.

three elements

two chains

one goal

Most of the projects is operating only on one chain, treating it like uncrossable line. We have decided to implement different approach, by making the investors on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Network work together in one community for mutual success. Everyone can be a part of this project.

NFT lovers, BSC gamblers, ETH investors. Everyone can be a part of ViceDoggos, thanks to our approach of multi-chain token supported by NFT collections. All under one brand, all in one Telegram channel.

Our vision extends beyond NFTs and tokens. We aim to build a broad ecosystem around ViceDoggos, starting with gem incubator for most promising projects on both BSC and ERC, creating this way secure revenue income for our token. This idea will be announced after ETH version launch.

nft collection

“If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.”
~Roger A. Caras

Our nfts are already live on bsc and erc

Vogo airdrop %

total cards



0.25 / 0.10


nft collection

Our collection represents 100 most popular dog breeds transformed into unique characters. We have two separate collections live on BSC and Ethereum Network. On Element Market, if you are first buyer, you will get 0.1% airdrop of ViceDoggos BSC token. Minting NFTs on Opensea will give you 0.25% airdrop in $VOGO token not only on BSC, but also on ERC version of it when it's live.

binance smart chain

bsc contract


total supply:

Binance Smart Chain version of ViceDoggos token is launched first, before Ethereum one. With this move we aim to build initial awareness of our project and strong base for future growth. That's why we have decided to go with stealth launch to minimalize the impact of "quick x2" wallets on our chart.

Exactly 750.000.000 supply of ViceDoggos token is used for liquidity. The rest of total supply, 25%, is dedicated for NFT minters on Opensea. Additional 10% from buybacks goes to BSC NFT buyers on Element Market.

transaction tax: 6%

Most of the buy and sell tax, 4%, is dedicated for marketing and development of the project. There is also 1% liquidity, and 1% burn tax to guarantee chart stability and price growth over time. Additional liquidity and burned tokens goes directly to dead wallet. There is no tax on transfer transactions between wallets.

ethereum network

erc contract

Not live yet, check out phase two on roadmap

total supply:

ViceDoggos on Ethereum Network will be live some time after BSC version. We aim to sell all NFTs first, but there is possibility to launch it earlier. Ethereum token will allow us to target more people with marketing, making it more efficient on both chains.

Supply distribution of Ethereum Network version of our token is exactly the same as BSC one. 25% goes to NFT holders and 75% goes towards liquidity.

transaction tax: 3%

Tax on each transaction is equal 3%. There is no more hidden fees. All of it goes towards marketing, development, and manual burn events.


our plans

Successful project development isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. That's why we have our actions planned for upcoming months and we prefer slow, but steady way. First phase of ViceDoggos development is focused on complex design of NFT collection and BSC version of the token. Second phase on our roadmap is dedicated for community building around ViceDoggos project. Third phase on our checklist represents future growth, including expansion on Ethereum Network.

phase one

🗹 NFT collection on Ethereum Network

🗹 BSC version of the token launched

🗹 Social media profiles opened to public

🗹 Website released

phase two

🗹 NFT collection on Binance Smart Chain

🗹 Dextools updated

100k marketcap on $VOGO BSC

BSC and ERC collections sold

phase three

ViceDoggos token on Ethereum Network

CMC & CG applied

VOGO project incubator

Roadmap expansion

social media